Guide to Bricks: Brick Orientations, Brick Sizes, Brick Bonds. A Brick Infographic for You.
Here's an illustrated guide we put together for Bricks, Incorporated to help educate their customers about some brick fundamentals. They have tons of brick products at their showroom and warehouse and wanted a single-sheet takeaway reference guide for their customers, who include contractors, architects, developers, and more.

I love the names given to these brick forms and orientations and patterns. They add such color to the language and hint at the histories and evolutions in building styles and methods. From Roman, to Norman, to Flemish Bond, the names kind of transport you to other worlds. And you thought it was just a humble brick.
For more on bricks and to get inspired by their look and fascinating stories, definitely check out Will Quam at Bricks of Chicago who, through virtual tours, beautiful photography, and many other resources shares his love for bricks, masonry, architecture.
If you're a company that wants an infographic, guide, some illustrated information that you think will make an impression on your customers, definitely reach out to us via the contact page. We'd love to talk to you about your project. We love learning about new subject matter and getting into the details.